Andrea Abeni

Studio Registrazione Audio · registrato 6 mese/i fa
Milano Milano

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SSC94 is a milan based creative design studio, founded in 2022 by architect andrea abeni, who investigates the contemporary by exploring different creative fields such as architecture, interior and product design, graphic and web design, scenography, exhibitions, art direction, brand identity and acoustic design. SSC94 is a multidisciplinary hub built to share ideas, expand networks and give life to different projects thanks to three unconventional spaces: the event lounge (a space for pop-ups, temporary stores and exhibitions); the recording room (a sound proof box dedicated to music projects and beyond); and the working area (an informal space to join the studio's atmosphere, focus and brainstorm). SSC94 is a contemporary community floating obsessively through space, music and visual art. ✦ experimental lab + events + recording studio ✦
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