Gianluigi Diana

Graphic Design · registrato 2 anno/i fa
Caserta Casapesenna

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Giuseppe, Costantino and Gianluigi Diana founded in 2013 the "design lab": dianarchitecture, it is a professional studio-lab that carries on, at the same time, the research with working on new themes related to architecture and design. The research, which is carried on mainly through international design competitions, tries to reflect, as much as possible, the developments of contemporary society in an architectural space and its forms. The work place in "laboratory" covers all levels of the design, it tries to follow a design methodology adopted in the same way, both for the "small" and for the "big" projects, it expresses firmly in each different phase, the architectural content and conceptual applied to different works. The studio-lab is able to offer professional services in various sectors; - Architectural Design (Preliminary, Final, Executive) - Redevelopment Building Energy - Urban Planning - Industrial Design - Graphic Design / Web Design / App mobile - Support to the technical activities of construction site - Surveys and measurements
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