Gioconda Perini

Ripetizioni Greco · registrato 7 anno/i fa
Napoli Napoli

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A Londoner living in Italy..having the best of both worlds and appreciating the best, and worst, of both too..
Teaching has often been described as a vocation..and I couldn't agree more. Transmitting my language to another person is both a privilege and a responsibility..requires patience and passion, and gives great job satisfaction.
Having had to learn Italian myself, I have a great empathy and admiration for those who choose to embark on the exciting journey of learning English.
Welcome to opening many doors of opportunity. I offer private lessons to individuals and groups, all ages, from children to adults. Covering various needs, from exam preparation to school homework, English for specific purposes or just conversation, proofreading and university thesis preparation. Also company courses or assistant mother tongue teacher in schools.
I aim to help my students to become confident and independent users of English..and at the same time enjoy learning and using it..
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