Mi chiamo James Nayler e sono un produttore, autore e compositore con esperienza decennale nel campo della musica elettronica, nella pubblicità e nelle colonne sonore.
Il Cuadrilatero Pro-Audio Studio è uno studio di produzione musicale a Milano. I nostri servizi includono: Lezioni individuali di Ableton Live, Mixing, Stereo Mastering, Stem Mastering, Additional Production e Ghost Production.
We offer audio mixing services for projects in any genre, from general mixing for raw recorded tracks or projects that have only been partially mixed, to touch-up mixing for projects that have been fully mixed and need only small adjustments to help optimize the final sound.
This is our standard service and appropriate for most projects. The process of mastering is one of the most important and often overlooked steps in audio engineering. It's the final stage before an album or single is released to the public. This is where each song is level-balanced, frequencies receive finishing touches, small imperfections are removed, and any other problems with the mix are ironed out. Mastering is what takes a recorded and mixed song to a professional level for CD and radio play. We work closely with each artist to make sure they get the sound they want.
We offer Stem Mastering for clients who want us to have the most control during the mastering process. For the majority of projects standard Stereo Mastering will provide excellent results, however for artists who prefer to give us the most possible control over their mix we also offer stem mastering, which allows us to dive in deeper to the mix, more finely adjust frequencies and levels and allows us more control to correct problems in the mix.
If you need help taking your previously mixed song to a professional level, we can help you out.
We can take individual tracks or your entire session and create a professionally mixed song, even adding new arrangements if needed, replacing sounds to make your mix stand out, and helping you finalize it.
We offer one-to-one customized lessons by going through the entire process of being an artist, by developing your own sound through experimentation. You will learn the ins and outs of this powerful software through a series of exercises designed to help you master the steps involved in producing your own music. After a level of getting familiar with the tools that Ableton has to offer, you will then develop your ideas into full-length tracks. You will be exposed to a variety of approaches to arrangement, composition, and techniques.
Cosa ti differenzia dai tuoi diretti concorrenti?
Un servizio attento a soddisfare le individuali necessità del cliente, che si tratti di produzione o di lezioni individuali, ad un prezzo competitivo e con la massima flessibilità di orari.
Cosa ti piace del tuo lavoro?
Sapere di creare qualcosa di unico per la persona che lo richiede. Nell'insegnamento, creare un percorso con lo studente atto a sviluppare la creatività individuale e mettere in pratica tutto il proprio potenziale.
Quali domande ti fanno di solito i clienti e come rispondi?
La domanda che mi rivolgono più spesso è "quanto ci vuole per imparare a produrre musica?" e la risposta è chiaramente sempre soggettiva. Quello che faccio è impostare un percorso mirato per ogni studente dandogli tutte le necessarie nozioni, così che questo possa in seguito proseguire in modo indipendente.