Laurence Cox

Lezioni Private di Inglese · registrato 7 anno/i fa
Brescia Brescia

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I am a highly professional, results-driven ESL teacher with experience in the development and delivery of language programs to a wide variety of students.

My qualifications include a CELTA certificate and a BA (hons) in Education Studies. My professional experience includes four years as an ESL teacher in Spain, The Netherlands, China and Italy.

As an ESL teacher at Weiming Experimental Primary School Wuhan, I oversaw the development of over 150 students. This role demanded the regular creation of learning materials, the teaching of lessons, the preparation of progress reports and delivery of in-house testing and student evaluations. I also volunteered to be involved in a number of extra-curricular activities such as open days and sports events.

I am currently teaching English as a second language in Italy to a range of age groups as well as business English and various exam preparation.

With my effective teaching skills which motivate students towards learning, international experience and love for language education, I believe I would be your ideal teacher. General English, exam preperation (IELTS, BULATS, PET, KET, TOEFL), business English .


Cosa ti differenzia dai tuoi diretti concorrenti?

My experiences travelling have broadened my knowledge of cultures and educational practices around the world. I have taken on board different aspects of classroom management and through studying the CELTA I have improved my teaching skills and knowledge of the intricacies of the English language.

Cosa ti piace del tuo lavoro?

I love seeing my students enjoying the English language and watching them develop their skills. I enjoy being able to help other people fulfil their potential and achieve their dreams of speaking English. I find it fun and engaging and love creating interesting lessons for students of all ages and abilities.

Quali domande ti fanno di solito i clienti e come rispondi?

Most students ask me what is the quickest way to learn the language and my answer is that it takes hard work, effort and commitment in all areas of language learning. Speaking as often as possible is key to improving their skills and not being afraid to make mistakes is also crucial. Finally, having fun is important as if they enjoy learning the language they will tend to develop quicker.

Hai qualche informazione particolare che vuoi condividere sul tuo lavoro?

I have over five years of ESL experience in a variety of countries and am studying to be a BULATS examiner. I am constantly trying to improve my skills to be the best teacher I possibly can.

Hai qualche esperienza che ti piacerebbe condividere?

In China I taught classes of over 45 students without the help of a teaching assistant. This made me learn very quickly the need for classroom management and over the course of two years I managed to create a fun, motivated learning environment where each student had the opportunity to improve their skills even though the classroom was bursting with children.

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