Nina Znidersic

Fotografo per Matrimoni · registrato 6 anno/i fa
Trieste Trieste

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I am fashion photographer from Slovenia. After finishing the high school, continued to grow my knowledge as a student of History of Art and this year graduated from photography on College of Photography with master degree. As a fashion photographer I have unique approach and I try to work with the models in most respectful way, but at the same time I am a strong leader, what is nowadays very important. I am a professional with strong vision how to make models even more beautiful and interesting. My energy and eminence imagination has no boundaries. My photographs reflect the timeless creative aesthetics and they are full of irresistible sensuality and serenity. “Creation is always part of a process that never ends”, I often say. It was Winston Churchill that always said: “ The Woman is as old as she looks and feels”, but with the help of the camera it is possible even more than that. I am very open-minded, ready for new challenges, creative, efficient and able to solve problems quickly. Unusual projects are the biggest challenges for me. Focused on fashion and art photography which must be powerful, expressive, colorful and dares to show something new. Able to think widely, very flexible, especially when working outdoors, with difficult props. I use vision to find personality in every person to bring out the best from them by making them feel comfortable and relaxed. Team worker with fashion models, make-up artists, wardrobe specialists and lighting technicians to achieve the desired look. I like to experiment with light, colors, fashion accessories, hairstyles, make-up and always ready to learn something new. Giving emphasis on general knowledge and to the different areas of fashion photography. My passion is fashion. And fashion is always an imaginary journey.
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