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Designer Grafico · registrato 4 anno/i fa
Brescia Visano

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Graduated in informatics technology because i wanted to create strong basics that would allow me to interact and understand this sector, which i believed and believe is the future; then i continued my bachelor degree more towards arts and multimedia, because i thought that valorize something would be the new goal to reach, and that's why, after some years where i had a lot of working experiences, i have decided to finish my accademic path choosing where i can be more practical about this skill; namely in a marketing and Communication specialization. I had obtained a personal trainer certification too, because i believe that when you have a healthy body, your mind will perform better too. My goal is to become the "bridge" that can connect both economically and culturally orient and Italy, and that's why i learned quite fluently english first, and now i'm into the process of acquiring korean and japanese languages too.
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