Simone Rossetti

DJ · registrato 6 mese/i fa
Milano Bollate

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Hi everyone! My name is Simone, I am 33 years old originally from Milan and really passionate about music. I have several experiences as DJ in Italy and I can not wait to get started abroad as well. Why am I the right one for you? During my career I have played in different places and on different events. I played at private parties, at various events on one of many beautiful terraces of Milan during sunset hours, in one of the luxury restaurants for corporate events and even created playlists for a fashion show in one Milan store during Milan fashion week. This means that I am very versatile person. I can play anywhere. I do not play only one musical genre. My goal is to make people happy and make them dance. I have really good sense of adapting to the situation. I honestly hate to be on an event and to see people around me being bored just because DJ does not play for them, but he plays what he likes. Do you know what I mean? My job is to empathize with people, to enter inside them and read their thoughts. Nothing else count.
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