Vincenzo Obbole

Creazione Logo · registrato 6 anno/i fa
Milano Milano

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Carta d'identità valida As Industrial Designer I am a creative thinker and problem solver, with great conceptual skills and an extensive background in graphic design, project and product management. This, combined with my first-rate creative flair and talent for branding, allows me to successfully fulfill different roles in the field of visual communication. Additional strengths are my organized working method and empathetic personality that allows me deeply understand the clients need; at the same time I do my best for to satisfy them through relevant and innovative concepts / solutions. Moreover I am able both to work with an assigned budget and to meet a deadline, always keeping a high quality level. I keep up to date through seminars, books and networking. This together with my particular attention to the new trends and people's behavior, allows me to interpret society and its rules in a personal and creative way, allowing me also to feed my curiosity as well as the search of new challenges in order to be able to improve, also just a little, this world through innovative design solutions. I consider myself to be open-minded, quick, proactive and reliable. I am able to combine the knowledge to the know-how and to the Savoir-être. I look forward to developing with you and for you innovative and successful projects.
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